Zieher is offering a wide range of buffet platters made of laminated plastic, natural slate, several kinds of glass and carbon. Due to the wide choice of formats and types of materials, there are many combination possibilities with Zieher´s buffet systems. The offer is being completed by various buffet stairs, trays and bowls.
The irregular colouring of the brand-new Zieher buffet platters is created by colour pigments which are manually applied and fused into the glass. The colour is fixed inside the glass and therefore dishwasher-safe and abrasion resistant. Structured undersides and rounded edges emphasize the effect of the platters and the individual and interesting shades of grey create unique patterns in each platter!
High-quality carbon fibre is embedded in synthetic resin and press-fitted with an intermediate layer made of highstrength solid foam. This technique guarantees excellent stability in combination with little thickness and low weight! The fabric's sophisticated twill weave provides a dynamic look with a stunning depth effect.